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Azer (28 RP)

  • Ability Score Traits Standard (+2 Str, +2 Int, -2 Cha) (0 RP)
  • Advanced Constitution (+2 Con) (4 RP)
  • Advanced Dexterity (+2 Dex) (4 RP)
  • Advanced Wis (+2 Wis) (4 RP)
  • Type: Outsider (Fire) (3 RP)
  • Size: Medium (0 RP)
  • Base Speed: Normal (0 RP)
  • Languages: Standard (0 RP); Azers begin play speaking Common and Ignan. Azers with high Intelligence scores can choose any of the following bonus languages: Celestial, Infernal, or Terran.

Defense Racial Traits

  • Elemental Immunity (Fire) (4 RP)
  • Improved Natural Armor (+6 natural) (6 RP)
  • Spell Resistance, Greater (SR 11+CL) (3 RP)

Offense Racial Traits

  • Heat (Ex): An azer generates so much heat that its mere touch deals an additional point of fire damage. An azer's metallic weapons also conduct this heat. (2 RP)

Senses Racial Traits

  • Darkvision 60 ft. (0 RP; type)

Weakness Racial Traits

  • Elemental Vulnerability (Cold) (-2 RP)